Thursday, February 10, 2011

put your hands in the air!!!

yes, hello everyone .. got stuffs to do! so, today was the 3rd tryout, and i hope it will end well. wish me luck for tomorrow. starting from math and Indonesian, then tomorrow's science and English.

wuuu, can wait for the National Exam. but...... I haven't prepared anything for it. HAHAHA lets laugh.

I'm done with math and Indonesian. its Easier. GodBlessMe. so yesterday I was with Abraham and Renhard went the pet shop to inject the vaccine for my dog Chiva..
i love you Chiva,

sorry I rarely take care of you. I just realized you're a good dog and you're so cute.

even you're getting old and old now. but you're still pretty.

the doctor said, her appetite decreased because of effects from the vaccine. sorry, it's for your kindness Chiva. I'm interested in puppy, its cute. Chiva is a family dog. she's big. and i love small dogs.

Good news! chiva going to have kids.
Now looking for a male and she will get pregnant. just wait for the loop. but there is a risk. Chiva are old, so if Chiva already given birth, her child should not drink her milk but if not, she will of get cervical cancer. how dear :(

hey1 this is a golden retriever, but this is not chive by the way!

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